Auditions for the BGISD Mane Stage Fall Musical
Alice in Wonderland
*Opportunities for both actors and tech crew in grades 3 through 12*
Starting Tuesday, September 3rd
When: After School/Evening (or by appointment)
Where: BGISD Auditorium
*BGHS & BGJH actors should come ready to sing a verse and chorus of a song of their choice, perform a 30-second to 1-minute memorized monologue of their choice, and do some directed improvisation.
*Elementary students should come ready to perform a reading from the script, sing a verse and chorus of a song of their choice, and perform improvised situations in groups the directors ask them to try.
*All grades need to come ready to do some simple movement and choreography taught at auditions if auditioning for a role.
*Students of all ages interested in technical crew need to come ready to interview for a spot on the crew as well as discuss ideas for design.
Contact Aimee Kasprzyk at BGHS [email protected] or Michael Back at BGJH [email protected] for more information
903-695-2541 Extension 4029